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Experiences for Locals by Locals

🤗 🎱 Social

😍 🥘 educational

🙃 🥾 Outdoor

🥂 ⚽ 💃 and more

Join some of the most recurring experiences

Billiard on Sundays

Wine Tasting on  Thursdays

Kayaking on Saturdays

Experiences are created by locals

They are unique, fun and engaging.

Do you have a 🏓 hobby or 🏋️‍♂️ skill that you would like to share with others?

and make money plus friends 😉

Meet Amazing people, bring your friends
and create new memories

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Use the Flock app to stay in touch and
hangout with other flock users

1. Create a hangout

join meet ups in berlin on Flock, berlin, flock, experiences, flock app,

2. Approve or reject

join meet ups in berlin on Flock, berlin, flock, experiences, flock app,

3. Meet in real life

join meet ups in berlin on Flock, berlin, flock, experiences, flock app,
make new friends, flock, berlin, experiences,

hangouts and chats disappear automatically after a few hours

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